The last couple weeks have gone pretty well. I have lost another 4 pounds, putting me at 9 pounds since I started this 3 weeks ago. I feel pretty good. The weight is coming off. And I am eating a lot of calorie counting necessary!!
The last couple weeks have brought their challenges. The whole family had a Monday off, so we decided to go see a movie. Of course, everyone in my family wants popcorn, candy, pop, and icees. I had to be proactive and brought a snack with me: dry roasted peanuts and dried cranberries. For a drink I got a bottle of water. It was actually more satisfying than I thought it would be. Then, they wanted ice cream after the movie. I just had to use some self control and not get any. That was tough, but I was proud of myself for resisting!
The last couple of Fridays, we have gotten pizza. Instead of eating pizza, I have ordered a salad. This past Friday, however, I tried a small bite of pizza....and boy did I regret it later. My stomach was terribly upset with me. I have learned my lesson!
Here are some of my favorite meals/snacks so far:
~I LOVE yogurt with blueberries and a little granola. I have discovered a love for blueberries that I did not know I had. Yummmy!! Love how they POP in your mouth. :)
~ Natural peanut butter on ANYTHING! (especially apples and/or bananas)
~ Wheat germ. It adds a nutty crunch to anything. I tried a whole wheat tortilla with sliced apple, peanut butter, and wheat germ was AMAZING.
~Making my own salad dressing. It's fun, and they are very flavorful! I have made a red onion poppyseed dressing that was my favorite so far!
~Dove dark chocolate covered almonds. Before I began clean eating, I did not like almonds or dark chocolate! Now, I look forward to my 3-5 almonds each day!
What do I miss the most? Two things, ice cream and pop. I totally expected to miss ice cream. The pop came as a surprise. Hopefully, that will diminish, but sometimes it's all I can do to resist!
~ Eating fresh food makes everything taste better. Not to mention, I have lunch for the next day. Leftovers are so easy to pack.
~ I am more deliberate about what I eat when I go out. I ate at Panera. I had to think carefully about what I was going to eat there. I ended up getting a pick two with a Fuji Apple Salad (no pecans or cheese) and a bowl of chicken noodle soup with a side of an apple. I also went to Bon Vie one night for a GNO, and got a Grilled Salmon salad. Except for the dressing, it was as clean as you could get.
Fuji Apple Salad
Grilled Salmon salad
~ I don't have to count calories!
~My sweet tooth has become easier to handle. It's funny, because I never really liked blueberries before (they didn't taste sweet enough for me) I can't get enough of them!
~The family not doing this wholeheartedly with me makes it challenging at times. But I am getting used to it, and I know that in the long run, it's for the best.
~ Fueling for a long run is tricky. Still trying to figure that out. I would really like to find a "clean" alternative to gels. Does anyone out there have any suggestions?
I want to say goodbye to these!
I found a magazine at the checkout line the other day called
Whole Living. I am considering subscribing to it. I have also looked at a couple of cookbooks on Amazon. Any suggestions?